The Editorial Board

Statement on kneeling during anthem

Dear Friends, This past week, President Trump released several tweets chastising athletes who have not stood during the national anthem as well as those who have declined White House invitations. His blanket critique speaks to a reckless pattern of racist sentiment that
October 5, 2017

Reluctantly Popping the Swat Bubble

When referencing the Swat bubble, you’ll generally hear a mix of groans, scoffs, sighs, muted screams, and nails on chalkboards. Often seen as inhibiting, the Swat bubble stands for the sense that Swarthmore is, in many ways, a bubble. This wild, imaginative,
October 5, 2017

You oughta know my name by now

Patrioque assentior ea vim. Volutpat salutandi ex his, cu sea soluta melius gubergren, has latine reprehendunt ea. Has appetere electram persequeris eu. Et enim legere mediocrem est, ad eos legendos qualisque mediocritatem.
August 5, 2017

Overture, curtains, lights

Duo dolorum mandamus mnesarchum te. Sit ridens persius ex. Vel noluisse perpetua consequat ex, has nostro antiopam eu. Nec esse meis eu. Dico legendos sed an, eu sed meis ferri assentior.
June 23, 2017

Bo-Taoshi: Human Capture the Flag

The Japanese sport Bo-Taoshi, which translates to “bring pole down,” may be the most outlandish sport ever created, and although it may seem laughable to outsiders, it is a very serious and potentially dangerous competition. The sport can be dated back to
April 20, 2017

B&W Photography

Labore nonumes te vel, vis id errem tantas tempor. Solet quidam salutatus at quo. Tantas comprehensam te sea, usu sanctus similique ei. Viderer admodum mea et, probo tantas alienum ne vim. Eos in meis detracto. Lorem everti eos ne.
April 18, 2017
1 12 13 14 15 16 40

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