October 2021

More Clarity on Illness Policies Please

In the past year and a half, “public health” has become synonymous with COVID-19 mitigation strategies. Preserving public health, however, extends far beyond the scope of the pandemic. There is no official college policy on what students should do if they have
October 28, 2021

Pterodactyl Hunt Returns After Year-Long Break

The days leading up to the Pterodactyl Hunt were uncertain. Would the year of isolated learning leave attendance at an all time low? Would the busy Garnet Weekend schedule detract from this Swarthmore tradition? Despite the fears, at 7 p.m. on Saturday,
October 28, 2021

Ahoy to the Really Cool Space Pirates Poster

Avast ye who have not watched this epic, space-faring tale yet, this section is for ye landlubbers, I mean, hearties!  Hardy-har-har to all eyes who cast their gaze upon this article! Fresh out of pirate puns after that last sentence, I’d like
October 28, 2021

Community Arts in Action

Swarthmore’s Arts in Action symposium was years in the making and ultimately realized in a Monday morning webinar moderated and largely organized by Lang Center Associate Director Katie Price. The day-long online lecture series with funding from The Cooper Foundation focused, in
October 28, 2021

What’s Our COVID Plan?

Two weeks ago, a large chunk of the Swarthmore student body fanned out across the country for Fall Break. We crammed into planes, trains, and buses; we hugged people we hadn’t seen for months; some of us let off steam at crowded
October 28, 2021

Weekend Recap

Field Hockey Swarthmore: 1, Dickinson: 0 On their Senior Day this past Saturday, Swarthmore women’s field hockey defeated Dickinson College at Clothier Field. The Garnet scored the sole goal of the game in the third frame. With another conference win under their
October 28, 2021
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