In Memory of Sam Jenkins ’19

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

On Friday afternoon, March 17th, Sam Jenkins ’19 from Wickford, R.I. was taken to Crozer Chester Medical Center due to a severe fall while skateboarding on Magill Walk. Two days later, on Sunday morning, President Valerie Smith sent an email to the Swarthmore Community informing us that Sam was in the process of passing away, a process lengthened so that he would be able to serve as an organ donor as he had wished. A Collection was held in his honor and in support of his family and other members of the Swarthmore community at 3 PM in the Friends Meeting House.

The Daily Gazette would like to offer the comments section of this page as a space for Sam’s loved ones and other community members to share their memories of Sam and reflect on their loss.

In addition, if you would like to share any photograph, video, story, or other memory of Sam, we will be compiling a collection of these to later publish on our website. If you would like to take part, email your contribution to

As many continue to remember Sam and undergo their own process of mourning, we encourage everyone to take care of themselves and each other in this difficult time. If you feel the need to, please contact and use any of the following resources:

Campus Psychological Services (CAPS):


The Dean’s Office:



Speak2Swatties is a group of Swarthmore students who do not have formal training and are not mandated reporters (everything can be confidential so long as they believe that no one’s safety is threatened). If you are in need of someone to talk to and process, they offer their time and space for anyone of the campus community. Their emails can be found in an email sent by the Swarthmore Student Government Organization (SGO) on Sunday March 19 at 4:51 PM.

Featured image courtesy of Colin Kerrigan

The Daily Gazette

The Daily Gazette is Swarthmore’s daily newspaper. The Gazette is sent out every work-day to more than 2,500 people, and has thousands of readers from across the world.

The Daily Gazette was organized during Fall semester 1996 by Sam Schulhofer-Wohl ’98. The goal: to provide timely coverage of campus news and Garnet sports while maintaining complete independence from the administration and student government.


  1. As a parent of a Swat senior, my heart goes out to the Jenkins family and the entire college community. Sam will be greatly missed.

  2. My husband is rarely impressed by the people he meets. Sam was different. Truly an impressive young man and a great loss to anyone who knew him. Sam and his family are in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. I didn’t know Sam or his family, but as the mother of a young man I simply can’t imagine the loss his parents and sisters must be feeling. Our children are so precious to us and to hear about Sam’s passing brings tears to my eyes.

  4. I am Sam’s cousin and I’d like to thank Swarthmore for the extraordinary Quaker meeting that you hosted on Sunday the 19th. It was a blessing to his family to hear more about the life he led and friends he made at school. For those who were there, I want to share the fact that soon after the service, I was with his father when he got the news that Sam’s heart had stopped. His time of death was 4:10 PM, which was the same moment when the deans shook hands to mark the end of the service.

  5. This morning I found a gold Mylar balloon on the evergreen bush in my front yard. Tied to it was a yellow note that said ” In Loving Memory of Sam Jenkins”. I live just outside Indianapolis Indiana. I thought you might like to know where the balloon landed. It’s unusual for our weather to come from the Northeast. Research tells me Sam must have been a really special guy. How sweet of him to save lives, when his could not be saved. His parents must be very proud. Such a loving caring Son. I’m so very sorry for their loss. May God keep Sam in his loving grace.

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