April 2016 - Page 4

Conversation around sexual assault continues

April marks Sexual Assault Awareness Month at Swarthmore and around the country, during which students and staff alike try to promote better understanding of the problem for all and support for survivors. Yet, even as programming around the topic has ramped up
April 28, 2016

Dining options limited for religious students

This week at Sharples, many students who were keeping kosher for the holiday had trouble finding enough food. There are a variety different ways to observe passover, from not prescribing to any dietary restrictions, to not coming in contact with any hametz,
April 28, 2016

Dining Services implements changes to meal plan

Dining services will make several big changes starting next fall. Current pilot-programs will be made permanent and changes will be made to the meal plan. Grab-n-go in the Science Center and Sharples to-go will become permanent. In addition to changes that have
April 28, 2016
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