April 2016 - Page 3

Blueprints screens a new side of Chester

This past Tuesday, the college’s Project Blueprints program hosted a film screening in LPAC Cinema to showcase the short film projects created by high school students from Chester, PA. The film projects were intended show a different side of the city the
April 28, 2016

You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?

I don’t know how you tear a building down. Maybe it involves explosives, charges shaped in such a way that the whole structure collapses nicely in on itself. Or perhaps it has something to do with wrecking balls and bulldozers. Or could
April 28, 2016

Worthstock Weekend ’16 arrives amid confusion

During this upcoming weekend the college will host Worthstock Weekend ‘16, this year’s iteration of the annual spring celebration featuring music, food, and overwhelming relief for the end of classes. Worthstock Weekend ‘16 will take place from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
April 28, 2016

Thanks, Bernie

As Secretary Clinton’s delegate count steadily and defiantly crept past the 2,000 mark this past Tuesday, Sen. Sanders was forced to admit that the possibility of his loss was becoming increasingly real. Those who know me as an avid Hillary supporter know
April 28, 2016

Statistics department introduces new courses

This year the Department of Mathematics and Statistics rolled out a new statistics curriculum which created two new applied statistics courses and incorporated teaching the R programming language into Stat 11. Student reactions to this new curriculum have been mixed, with some
April 28, 2016

Staff Profile: Jamie Layton

I woke up late on the morning I was supposed to meet Jamie Layton, one of the college dining services staff members, for an interview in Sharples. When I walked in the front door, I saw on the big red clock that
April 28, 2016

Michelle Johnson ’16 directs Chekhov’s “The Seagull”

Last weekend, the play “The Seagull,” written by Anton Chekhov, translated by Paul Schmidt, and directed by Michelle Johnson ’16, was performed in the Frear Theater in LPAC. Upon entering the dark performance space, the audience was greeted with Russian folk music
April 28, 2016
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