Weekly Horoscopes from Professor Trelawney

professor trelawney

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.


Mar 21-Apr 19

Though it seems like you will just barely scrape through the last couple weeks before summer, don’t fear! If you seek guidance from your peers and stay positive, you’ll meet personal goals sooner than you expect.


Apr 20-May 20

Happy Birthday, Taurus! You will find emerging from a bit of a quiet mood late this week, ready to have fun and celebrate the end of the semester. Even if you feel withdrawn right now, know that you will feel more outgoing thanks to Venus’s influence just in time for Worthstock.

Famous Taurus:

  • John Cena
  • William Shakespeare
  • Adele
  • Queen Elizabeth II
  • Sam Smith


May 21-Jun 20

If you’re feeling more drained than usual this week, feel free to blame the stars! Take it easy this week, Gemini, and don’t start any big new projects. Instead, focus on maintaining your personal relationships.


Jun 21-Jul 22

You’ve gone to great lengths lately to push your plans forward, both romantically and academically. This week, take the time to appreciate what you’ve achieved and maintain your positive energies.


Jul 23-Aug 22

You will find yourself sentimental and contemplative this week, Leo. As you look back on the semester, don’t get caught up in bad feelings about certain events. Instead, focus on accomplishing goals and making new memories.


Aug 23-Sep 22

You might feel too busy to reach out to your friends, but they will be a necessary source of support during your stressful exams. Spend time with them now, because summer break will be here before you know it, Virgo.


Sep 23-Oct 22

Don’t be afraid to embrace the changes that these next few weeks will bring, Libra. Sleeping in, long bouts of studying, and travel plans will all make for a very chaotic schedule.


Oct 23-Nov 21
Unrest in your love life and uncertainty about the future have knocked you off-balance this week, Scorpio. Solar energies will push you to spend more time with loved ones. Don’t be afraid to reach out and find stability in others.


Nov 22-Dec 21

As classes end, you’ll find yourself with a bit more flexibility in your schedule, Sagittarius. This week is a good time for you to explore new places and meet new people. An afternoon trip to Bryn Mawr or a dinner date with your crush might be in order!


Dec 22-Jan 19

As Venus enters your solar fifth house, you will feel especially expressive and appreciative. Spending time outdoors and exercising your creativity will increase the natural positive energy you feel this week.


Jan 20-Feb 18

Papers, presentations, final exams… As overwhelming as they might seem, Aquarius, being mindful of nature and other sources of spiritual strength will help you overcome the challenges you face. Try studying by a sunny window, and spend extra time enjoying the pretty weather on Parrish beach.


Feb 19-Mar 20

It may seem like all your past problems are resurfacing this week, Pisces. Even worse, you may feel disconnected from your loved ones. Getting out of this rut will be easier if you look at things with a sense of humor, and frame your problems as challenges to overcome.

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