October 2014 - Page 5

Koziol brews up her own unique thesis topic

Alison Koziol ’15 comes from “the land of beer.” The sociology major’s hometown of Fort Collins, Colo. is home to 15 breweries — some of which were founded by the parents of her childhood playmates. So when she proposed a sociology thesis
October 23, 2014

Swat Team revitalized to enhance party safety

Along with changes made to the campus’ alcohol policies, Swat Team has undergone its own structural and training changes. While Swat Team — previously known as the Party Associates (PAs)—has been in the process of transforming its policies and image since the
October 23, 2014

Cross country charges forward in spite of setbacks

The season is coming to a close for the Swarthmore men’s and women’s cross country teams. This past weekend, both the men’s and women’s teams finished their regular seasons at Princeton. Upcoming races include conferences, which will be held at Haverford College,
October 23, 2014

A woman in computer science

Interviewing Swatties after breaks is always fascinating because I hear about all the exciting, diverse ways they spend their time. For Allison Ryder ’17, fall break meant an-all expense paid trip to Phoenix, Ariz. to attend the Grace Hopper Convention. Grace Hopper
October 23, 2014

The college must recommit to environmental responsibility

In March of 1854, Ralph Waldo Emerson eloquently described the discomfort of a literary man engaging with political questions: “I do not often speak to public questions;— they are odious and hurtful, and it seems like meddling or leaving your work.” Yet
October 23, 2014

The problem with using firms to find college administrators

To the editor: I write with regard to the article on the presidential search process, published in the September 25 issue of the Phoenix. As noted there, the presidential search committee has retained the firm of Storbeck/Pimentel & Associates, which has been
October 23, 2014

For one night a year, everything flies

If you can manage to type out “pterodactyl” correctly, put “Pterodactyl Hunt” into the Google search bar. The query is strange, and one might not suspect that such a phrase would return as many results as it does. Amongst the crop: “Pterodactyl
October 23, 2014

Greek tragedy fights its environment in Medea

Rehearsals for “Medea” began just like one of the lines of cocaine I’d witnessed, as an innocent bystander, being cautiously sniffed two and a half weeks ago by some faceless and nameless Swattie and his friend in the dark, off a small,
October 23, 2014

Animals just like humans! UN should create task force

In a recent Phoenix editorial, Daniel Paz argued in favor of a general moral prohibition against the consumption of animals and animal products. His argument is worth reading, if only because it is paradigmatic. Like most arguments meant to establish that veganism
October 23, 2014
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