September 2014 - Page 6

The Tri-Co gets Friendsy

“Hey _____, Someone likes you!” reads the first line of a Friendsy invite email. It continues, “Someone from Swarthmore is interested in you and would like to see if you are interested as well!” The invitation to join the new friend/dating/hookup social
September 18, 2014

Students drop honors, influenced by changes in schedule

Swarthmore is known for its Honors program. The number of Swatties actually receiving an Honors diploma, however, has dropped in recent years. Between 2008 and 2012, an average of 112 students received this diploma. In 2013, the number had dropped to 89.
September 18, 2014

Swat alum flies high

Imagine eight women swinging from ropes, flying from silk to silk, weaving in and out, suspending in midair, then spiraling back down, defying gravity and captivating you with the sheer power of their movement. Together these women support each other, and sometimes
September 18, 2014

Young Field Hockey team remains optimistic

On paper, it has been a rockier start for the Swarthmore Field Hockey team than in previous years. With that being said, the season is not lost. Due to various injuries and other losses, the field hockey team has had their
September 18, 2014

Designing Swat with Steve Sekula

The spirit of the liberal arts rests upon the integration of various disciplines. For Steve Sekula ’17, this spirit permeates past classes and into the extracurricular realm. Sekula is spearheading a revamping of Swarthmore Graphic Design, a club that combines technology and
September 18, 2014

Leveraging an education to produce meaningful change

For many Swarthmoreans, seasoned and fresh alike, the pursuit of innovation and entrepreneurship is fresh on the mind. But with the unprecedented economic rises of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, it’s easy to feel as if the robust innovation of
September 18, 2014

The case for a secular group on campus

The Acts of the Apostles, a.k.a. Acts, is the fifth book in the Christian New Testament. It’s one of my favorites because it reads a lot like a buddy-cop movie starring Peter and Paul, two early Christian missionaries — Paul is famous
September 18, 2014

The highs and lows of “Dirty Mike and the Boys”

What do Dirty Mike and the Boys have in common with The Doors, Coldplay, Vampire Weekend and Hall & Oates? They all formed during the experiential roller-coaster years of college. Amid Swarthmore’s famous workload, 8:30 a.m. classes on Fridays and Sharples food,
September 18, 2014

When Star Trek metaphors fall short in explanation

Atheism has always been criticized for its supposedly lackluster view of the world. I say “supposedly” here because most of the people who make claims about how sad and fruitless it is to be nonreligious tend fall into the religious camp themselves.
September 18, 2014
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