September 2014 - Page 13

Alcohol policy undergoes major shifts, change to come uncertain

The student body received an email from Lili Rodriguez, dean of diversity, inclusion, and community development, on August 27th announcing three changes to the campus alcohol and party policy. One of the changes is the creation of a formal medical amnesty policy
September 4, 2014

Board announces members of the presidential search committee

Today, Board of Managers member Salem Shuchman ‘84 announced the members of the presidential search committee, including himself as the chair. The committee is composed of board members, alumni, faculty, administrators and students for full representation of the campus community, according to
September 4, 2014

For some students, college firsts include sex

Molly* ’15 came into college without ever having been in a long-term relationship. She was a virgin and the least sexually experienced of her female friends — but she had plans to change that. “I actually came to Swat and was like,
September 4, 2014

Reflecting on 100 days of creativity

Sometimes creativity comes in small spurts. Other times, it takes dedication and a lot of time — 100 days, to be exact. Emma Kates-Shaw ’16 discovered her strengths making an amazing range of art in pursuit of 100 creative days, displaying the
September 4, 2014

Jamming the system with Parangaterxs

“Don’t let Arizona take us back!” called Ximena Violante ’14 into the dark, swaying crowd. There, under the lights of Olde Club, the Swarthmore mariachi band’s “radical baby” was born. Fresh from a semester abroad, Ximena Violante ’14 needed a band to
September 4, 2014

Inside a culture of flexibility for student-athletes

Every several weeks, it seems, another student-athlete scandal rocks a prestigious university. Most recently, five Notre Dame football players have been suspended from the team amid cheating allegations. This news broke just after the furor subsided from former University of North Carolina-Chapel
September 4, 2014

A guided tour through our garden home

“We must cultivate our garden.” The Scott Arboretum is the unacknowledged space that bears the fragrant nectar of Swarthmore College like a rose petal bears a drop of water. Arable space is like poetic space, and the Arboretum that hosts Swarthmore’s 2,000
September 4, 2014

Who’s that girl?

In the summer months before freshman year, all I thought about was “college” (in scare quotes because, to me, college was basically a scare-y quote). I was incredibly stressed and I channeled that stress by focusing on the only things I knew
September 4, 2014

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