November 2011 - Page 3

Swarthmore’s role in answering Kristof’s call to action

For those of us who attended eminent journalist Nicholas Kristof’s lecture this past Monday, the general sense of inspiration may still linger heavily in our immediate atmosphere. The talk, entitled “A Call to Action,” was a rhetorical catalyst for social activism. Kristof
November 17, 2011

Sweet eatables make the holidays go ’round

Alright, so Valentine’s Day isn’t exactly a holiday. But it sure as well might be one, with all the attention it gets from the public and the media. Stores will start advertising Valentine’s Day way before the date is within sight. Chocolates
November 17, 2011

Adding ‘Twilight’ to a syllabus meets challenges

Team Edward and Team Jacob seem to be rallying support in the college classroom. From Rutgers College’s “Vampires: From Sin and Exile to Sex and Salvation” to Harvard’s “The Vampire in Literature and Film,” university classrooms are increasingly turning their attention to
November 17, 2011

Oscar’s crying game: the use & abuse of melancholy

Well, once again it’s the bleakest time of the year — mid-November, and Oscar season. Cold, dreary capitalism settles in as marketers and distributors ride a seemingly endless wave of red carpets and critics’ awards ceremonies that will carry them to the
November 17, 2011

Judith Butler speaks at Bryn Mawr as Mary Flexner lecturer

As students at Swarthmore listened to Nicholas Kristof’s humanitarian pitch on Monday, students at Bryn Mawr flocked to a philosophical lecture that, according to an official publication, covered “the important distinction between queer politics and gay and lesbian rights frameworks,” and questioned
November 17, 2011

Men’s soccer finishes strong with ECAC championship

A free kick goal off the foot of senior midfielder Micah Rose ’12 in double overtime won the ECAC South Region Championship for the Swarthmore men’s soccer team on Sunday afternoon. The goal was Rose’s last as a member of the Garnet, and it
November 17, 2011
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