October 2010 - Page 3

The Local Foods Dinner: A Yearly Treat

The annual Sharples Celebrate Local Foods dinner was Tuesday night. See photos from behind the scenes and learn a little about what was involved in bringing this delicious meal to campus.
October 6, 2010

Pterodactyl Hunt, In Pictures

Pterodactyls flocked to campus last Saturday, and Swatties took up arms against the fearsome beasts in this annual tradition. Pictures from the hunt.
October 4, 2010

Why Was Santa Claus On Campus Saturday?

The Gazette heard from readers that someone in a Santa Claus costume was in the Amphitheater and Upper Tarble on Saturday night, and was asked to investigate. We heard only vague rumors that it was for a film class -- other, that
October 4, 2010

Martin Warner

If you've got a question you've always wanted to ask registrar extraordinaire Martin Warner, post it in the comments right here, one question per comment. Use the arrows to up-vote or down-vote your most/least favorite, and I'll ask the best of them.
October 1, 2010

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