February 2010 - Page 3

Campus Joins Together to Support Haiti

Since a magnitude 7.0 earthquake devastated the nation of Haiti in January, the campus community has united several times to show support, to raise awareness, and to raise funds. Still, according to Jamila Hageman '13, a member of the Coalition for a
February 16, 2010

The Way of the NinjaGram

For the fourth time in five years, black-clad bearers of Valentine’s Day cards swarmed across Swarthmore, sneaking into classes and dorms to deliver their messages of love and affection with a dash of stealth and aggression. NinjaGrams, headed for the first time
February 16, 2010

Agnostics Need Representatives Who Don’t Hate Religion

Polling has consistently shown that the one group of people Americans will not vote for are nonbelievers. It’s pretty easy to recognize why: Americans tend to be religious people who equate morality with religion; Americans only recently finished fighting off an atheist
February 15, 2010

Putting the Vice in Advice

We’re two humble Swatties (Ankhi Thakurta: Homo sapiens, Lang Haynes: sapiens Homo) on a mission to answer the littler questions in life...the ones that would have made Aristotle laugh himself silly or driven Socrates to take another swig of that hemlock.
February 15, 2010

The Island Unleashes History and Performance

Legends and history collide with explosive results in the Theater Department’s upcoming production of The Island. A staging driven by the momentum of two dynamic performances and an intensely political text, the Honors Acting Thesis of Niccolo Moretti ’10 offers a compelling
February 11, 2010

Professor Quaker Matchboxes

It can be difficult to imagine professors as outside the pedagogy of the classroom, especially in the context of romance and family life. But some members of the faculty and staff of Swarthmore College have relationships with each other, and with Valentine's
February 11, 2010

Prints and Prisoners

Swatties, emerge from your abodes! The snow isn’t that bad. At least, not bad enough that you would shut yourselves in rather than indulge in the wonderful arts events we have going on this weekend, on and off campus! Whether you’ve got
February 11, 2010

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