October 2009 - Page 2

Dom Sagolla ’96 Presents New Book About Twitter

On Friday, Dom Sagolla ’96—or, as he is sometimes known, @dom—came back to Swarthmore to promote his new book, 140 Characters: A Style Guide for the Short Form. “I saw a need for this type of guidance," said Sagolla: "I wrote this
October 26, 2009

Gary Lupyan Discusses Labels’ Impact on Thought

Gary Lupyan came to Swarthmore Thursday to give a talk called "What Do Words Do?" about the impact of language on our thought processes. He posited that giving labels to objects can have a powerful effect on the way we think about,
October 26, 2009

Chinese Musicians Spread Heritage through Performance

Melody of China, an ensemble of musicians based in San Francisco, performed a concert of traditional Chinese music on Friday evening as a part of the Cooper performance series. The concert followed a lecture and musical demonstration of Chinese instruments.
October 25, 2009

Fair Trade Visits Swarthmore

On Tuesday, in celebration of Fair Trade Month, Swatties gathered in the Lang Center to hear and learn about fair trade, its relation to social change, and 10,000 Villages Company’s contributions.
October 22, 2009

Weekend Round-up: Tunes and Terrors

Weather Underground might be calling for rain and a chance of thunderstorms this weekend, Swatties, but that shouldn’t keep you from having fun. Here are some rain-friendly suggestions.
October 22, 2009

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