winter olympics

Olympics Column: Ice Dancing

Watched on Tuesday 15th Bess: Hey, this is Bess. Grace: And this is Grace, and we are back with part two of our column. Bess: So once again, we don’t have time to watch all the events. Grace: Yeah, they are many
February 17, 2022

Olympics Column: Skating Team Event

Bess: Hi, this is Bess. Grace: And this is Grace. Bess: And we are watching the Olympics. Grace: Yes, we are. Bess: So a little bit about us. We are not NARPs, but we’re also not ARPs. Grace: We are semi-athletic SARPs.
February 10, 2022

Examining the NHL’s Olympic ban

The Winter Olympics bring together the world’s best athletes on one grand stage. Big names in winter sports from around the world to compete for what is arguably the most prestigious athletic honor: an Olympic gold medal. This year, however, the National
February 22, 2018

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