wellness - Page 2

Wellness: Dealing with Depression

Earlier this semester, an informal online poll conducted by The Phoenix revealed startling levels of depression and anxiety among the 12 percent of the student body which chose to respond. The previous article in a Phoenix series about the data focusd on
April 25, 2013

A Conversation with Professor X

I’ve jokingly stated many many times, “I’m pretty sure Professor X thinks that we only have work from his class. Do you see this? (holds up pack of readings that necessarily must be stapled with the big orange and grey stapler in
March 28, 2013

Death by Ballet: A Definition

I met Galia in Mark Wallace’s first year seminar on religion and literature, and I knew she was a dancer from the start. She started her dancing career in ballet. For thirteen years, from three to sixteen, she had a passionate relationship
November 15, 2012

Wellness Is For Wimps

Focusing more on wellness at Swarthmore is a crappy idea. Everyone who comes here gets frustrated, sooner or later. Frustration may not be the defining theme for everybody’s experience here, but learning to channel it is definitely on the curriculum.Why should we
October 11, 2012

New Multipurpose Building in Development Stage

On Friday, Sept. 28, Vice President for Facilities and Services Stu Hain, Dean of Students Liz Braun, Director of Athletics Adam Hertz, Wellness Coordinator Satya Nelms and Secretary of the College and Vice President for Communications Nancy Nicely met to discuss their
October 4, 2012

Student wellness a priority this semester

Paying attention to student wellness — the elements of which include emotional comfort, social well-being, and healthy academic performance — has become a niche at this college over the past few years. This year, first-year orientation revolved around an assemblage of wellness
November 3, 2011

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