Thoughts on Apple’s October Update

Apple Inc. held its fourth event of 2021 on Oct. 18, revealing new software and hardware installments to add to what has already been an impressive 2021 collection for the tech giant. Apple’s first event of the year was in April and

Crumb Cafe Plans to Undergo Digital Revolution

This semester, the Crumb Café is implementing new changes, which includes a partnership with the Swarthmore College Computer Society that will allow the café to digitize orders. This initiative has the potential to drastically reduce order processing time. Hungry Swatties can look

College announces updates to student employment process

Yesterday, the college held a press briefing with the Phoenix and Daily Gazette announcing developments to student employment issues on campus. Notably, the college announced plans for a new portal on MySwat called JobX, which will centralize the job search and application


CAPS increases staff hours to meet students needs

As the semester draws to an end, Counseling and Psychological Services has increased its staff hours to meet the increasing need of students. Increasing CAPS’s capacity through extended hours has been standard procedure for years. The Director of CAPS David Ramirez explained