A Journey Through Memories

“Blossoming Bonds: South Carolina Adventures” This image, featuring a tender white blossom set against a soothing pink canvas, evokes memories of the profound connections among our track team members on our memorable South Carolina journey. As we ventured together, eager to compete

Artist of the Week Elliot Kenaston on (De)construction

When Elliot Kenaston ’22 faced the prospect of spending his academic year confined indoors due to COVID, he opted to take a gap year instead to hone in on a new, tangible skill: woodworking. Elliot, who grew up in Fairbanks, Alaska, clearly

They Never Stop Running

For many Swarthmore athletes, one season is enough. With daily practices, weekly games, and a full course schedule, the season can certainly be a grueling time. That being said there are many advantages to not being in-season time, namely a much freer

Solange Says Less, Feels More on “When I Get Home”

The accompanying short film to Solange’s most recent album, “When I Get Home,” opens with the artist draped in jewels, standing motionless in front of an imposing painting by Mark Rothko. The spectacle undoubtedly calls to mind Beyonce and Jay Z’s recent

Exploring the history of track and field

I was recently asked to weigh in on a debate among my fellow Willets residents about the validity of assigning the term “sport” to track and field competitions. Most were in favor, though there were still a few dissenters. Track and Field

Record-breaking stretch for Oppenheimer

For Jonas Oppenheimer ’15, the past month has been something special. The distance runner has set two individual school records, in the 800m run and the mile, and has helped his 800m relay team set a third record. Oppenheimer’s performances are a

Indoor Track shines in New York

  For most athletes, the reward after a full season of hard work and dedication is a well-deserved offseason to rest and recover. For most runners however, there is no offseason: fall cross-country flows into indoor track which, come spring, will give

What off-season?

Imagine running 75 miles in a week. Now imagine doing that every week for the entire school year. Although this seems like a cruel form of punishment to most, the Swarthmore cross country/track team runs this heavy mileage all year round and