swarthmore college

A Plea for More Diversity of Thought on Campus

The rise and subsequent entrenchment of woke culture – wherein individuals adopt an obsessive and blinkered approach towards civil rights issues – in higher education institutions has resulted in the erosion of intellectual rigor that flows from nuanced debate around contested issues.
December 1, 2022

Make Compassion and Understanding the New Normal

As we settle into this new normal “post” pandemic, many colleges around the country have begun to revise and update their COVID policies to reflect the most current trends in local areas. For example, the University of Pennsylvania recently announced that masking
March 17, 2022

Know the Ban, Ban the Ban

Introduction Swarthmore College is an exceptional school. It’s not the beautiful arboretum of a campus, the academic rigor, or the vaunted Quaker values that makes it exceptional, though. What makes it exceptional is the policy that explicitly bans ethical obligations from consideration
October 23, 2020

More Transparency Needed in College Housing Decisions

The past few weeks have been chaotic. Schools and offices have closed. Colleges are switching to online instruction and telling students to leave their dorms. There has been little transparency around the decisions abruptly passed down by governments and school administrators. Many
March 26, 2020

Athlete of the Week: Ben Lau ’22

Ben Lau is a sophomore from Los Altos, California considering a major in biochemistry or neuroscience. He is a center-back on the Swarthmore men’s soccer team, who had two solid results over the span of fall break. Lau helped keep #7 Johns
October 24, 2019

Athlete of the Week: Chelsea Semper ’21

Chelsea Semper ’21 of Swarthmore Field Hockey is our Athlete of the Week after scoring three goals against Cabrini University on September 18. Chelsea attended Watchung Hills High School in Millington, New Jersey, before coming to Swarthmore, and she’s a biology major,
September 26, 2019
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