sustainability - Page 7

Heating needs make reducing footprint difficult

With all of the concern about climate change, it is important that we step back to examine the college’s role in trying to achieve some level of sustainability while coming to terms with a common understanding of what sustainability means. In a
November 20, 2014

College makes slow strides towards sustainability

Despite sustainability efforts presently underway on campus, the college still produced over 8,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2013 and the primary source of heat throughout campus is a century-old centralized steam system. However, new renovations to Willets Hall have demonstrated
October 9, 2014

Laura Cacho to serve as new sustainability director

The college has hired a new director of sustainability Laura Cacho, who will work to encourage environmentally sustainable behavior throughout the campus. In her role as director of sustainability, Cacho will also help organize courses focused on sustainability, invite outside speakers to
February 20, 2014

Campus Master Plan Enters Final Stages

Imagine walking out of a spacious biology lab through a second story glass walkway into a new and improved engineering building. Or, perhaps, eating a Sharples meal at an outdoor table and then doing yoga in a new wellness center by the
March 21, 2013

Swarthmore’s enduring committment to sustainability

Letter to the Editor The following is adapted from a letter sent to students from Mountain Justice: Dear Members of the Swarthmore Community, In late March I met with four students from Mountain Justice who presented to me a statement on divestment,
April 19, 2012

Green advisors approved for compensation

Sustainability Coordinator Clara Fang and Paul Shortell ’13 presented a proposal for the creation of paid Green Advisor positions on Monday morning to the college’s Sustainability Committee (SusCom). The proposal was approved, which means that if the necessary funding is obtained, Green
February 23, 2012
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