
The Epidemiology of the Swat Plague

Take a quick walk around Swarthmore and you’ll gain a close look at the most common affliction of our era. No, it’s not the cough that lingers two weeks after the cold, neither is it our collective caffeine addiction, not even the
October 10, 2024

My Chemical Romance and the Ghost of Fall Break

Breaks are typically a breath of fresh air — a welcome detox from the overwhelming nature of academia. Breaks are something to look forward to and help cut the monotony of seemingly endless exams, papers, and demanding extracurriculars. After all, nothing beats
October 20, 2022

With Activities, Quality over Quantity

When we were in high school, college admissions officers taught us that we needed to be as involved as possible. We needed the hardest classes, the best grades, and the most leadership positions. This mindset not only put an inordinate amount of
March 21, 2019

Let’s Take A Break

“I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” Lately, I’ve been turning this phrase over and over in my head, trying to make sense of it. I suppose it has always somewhat been a part of life, a harmless phrase repeated to us from a
February 14, 2019

A call to deinstitutionalize stress

“Have you taken care of yourself recently?” My professor asked me this question a few weeks ago after noticing how enervated I was. As midterms were rolling in, I needed to sacrifice several hours of sleep every day to catch up with
April 26, 2018

Being okay

The other night my friend was consoling me after a stressful, frustrating week. Like tango and conspiring, it takes at least two people for consolation to come about. After my friend listened to my troubles and expressed sympathy, I noted that despite
February 15, 2018

Are we all crazy for electing to do the Swat stress test?

Academic rigor is something that all Swatties love to hate. More than pride, it is an intrinsic part of Swarthmore culture, perpetuated by misery poker and shirts proclaiming, “Anywhere else it would have been an A.” The most recent ranking by Cappex
December 4, 2014

Self-Care at Swat: Support

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. “Abigail, you
October 28, 2014

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