review - Page 11

No Doubt, Back Again

Gwen Stefani is the only reason I can remember how to spell the word “bananas.” I was really happy when she left No Doubt and not terribly surprised, either. Gwen, like me, is a class-B diva, and as such, can’t deal well
November 13, 2013

“All That Is”, Not Quite There

Near the end of  “All That Is,” James Salter’s latest novel, an opinionated character (and one of the few female characters given a voice, but more on that later) comments to a young ingénue who has been spreading rumors about Saul Bellow,
November 13, 2013

“Fearless” athletes’ stories hit it out of the park

“Fearless,” which has traveled the country with its crisp, arresting photographs of openly queer high school and collegiate LGBT athletes, will be residing in Tarble Pavilion until November 14.  It is definitely worth a look.  “Fearless,” sponsored by the Sager Fund, is
November 13, 2013

Review: “The Infatuations”

“The Infatuations” is a novel about death: literal death, literary death, the enduring power of the dead, and the inconvenience of their return; most immediately, it is about the death of Miguel Deverne. Miguel is half of a couple that Maria Dolz
September 26, 2013

Brittany, Miley and me

Britney’s new song didn’t manage to chart within the top 10 in its first week, but that’s okay—it’s difficult to sing while operating an electric razor. We don’t want that shave too close, so let’s count our blessings that Britney didn’t scratch
September 26, 2013

Baseless confidence: Tao Lin’s “Taipei”

In praise of James Joyce’s “Dubliners”, Ezra Pound wrote, “since de Maupassant we have had so many people trying to write ‘stories’ and so few people presenting life.” Perhaps Pound would have liked Tao Lin. He certainly does his best in Taipei
September 12, 2013
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