residential life

It’s Time To Fix Danawell’s Laundry Room Washouts

The typical Swarthmore student might encounter multiple obstacles when trying to do their laundry on campus. Although it is a positive step to have laundry services included in tuition prices, the college’s few and faulty machines pose considerable challenges. Functioning laundry services
February 9, 2023

Homecoming in Another Sense

When we write, it is best to write what we know. And not what we think we know, or what we would like to know. What I know is that I just moved into a new dorm, from Dana to Worth. I
February 1, 2018

The power of a name

If you can think back to your first couple of weeks on campus, whether that was a week ago or three years ago, you will probably remember being very confused about where things were. Whether you showed up at the Lang Performing
September 21, 2017

ML deserves love

Two months ago, I opened mySwarthmore portal for first-year students. As an incoming first-year student, I was anxious about everything: I wasn’t sure how well I performed on my placement tests, I couldn’t figure out which classes I wanted to take, and
September 21, 2017

Summer Housing, Hot Mess

As the semester begins to wrap up, students are swamped with a variety of emotions. Some seniors are feeling nostalgic toward leaving Swarthmore, yet excited for what lies ahead. Other students are drowning in final papers but relieved that this semester is
April 20, 2017

ML: a home like no other

If you take a look at any of the maps posted around campus, you can generally find where you want to go. The campus is pretty easy to follow – the lower half of campus is student life, the upper half is
February 2, 2017

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