religious life

Muslim Students Association Prepares for Ramadan

The Muslim Students Association (MSA) is preparing for Ramadan, the Muslim Holy month that requires fasting from food and drink from dawn to sunset, carrying deep spiritual signifigance for Muslims. This year, Ramadan will last from the evening of April 1 to
March 31, 2022

Advisors hope to broaden religious, spiritual life

Last month, the Student Affairs Committee of the Board of Managers deliberated the state of on-campus religious and spiritual life, and the importance of enhancing it. Dean of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Development Lili Rodriguez, Religious and Spiritual Life Advisor Joyce Tompkins,
March 5, 2015

Shout it aloud

“Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet. Declare to my people their rebellion and to the house of Jacob their sins.” So begins Isaiah 58, a strident call to arms and my current favorite chapter in
May 1, 2014

A significant loss for student quality of life

At the end of this semester, our campus stands to lose one of its greatest blessings. Ailya Vajid has served as a religious life advisor for Muslim students since January. In this capacity, Ailya has proved absolutely invaluable to Muslims on campus
April 17, 2014

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