rebecca chopp - Page 3

Swarthmore’s enduring committment to sustainability

Letter to the Editor The following is adapted from a letter sent to students from Mountain Justice: Dear Members of the Swarthmore Community, In late March I met with four students from Mountain Justice who presented to me a statement on divestment,
April 19, 2012

Petition draws attention to Swat’s investments

In the weeks before spring break, anyone paying a visit to Sharples would probably have been asked to sign Mountain Justice’s most recent petition at the main entrance. This petition calls on President Chopp to initiate discussions concerning the divestment of college
March 15, 2012

Clauss to lead record capital campaign upon arrival at Swat

Karl Clauss’s forthcoming entrance as Vice President of Development and Alumni Relations coincides with the start of a particularly exciting time for the college. Clauss will occupy a prominent position at the helm of Swarthmore’s upcoming capital campaign; a comprehensive philanthropic effort
January 26, 2012

Clauss named VP of alumni relations

President Rebecca Chopp announced on Dec. 20 the appointment of former Colgate University colleague Karl Clauss to the position of Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations, effective on Mar. 1, 2012. Clauss’s appointment will fill the vacancy left after the Oct.
January 19, 2012

WNR makes structural changes to operation

In the past, War News Radio (WNR), Swarthmore’s award-winning student-run news group, traditionally produced 30-minute weekly broadcasts that were carried on numerous radio stations worldwide. Starting this semester, WNR is not only dropping their broadcasts for a more comprehensive, multimedia online platform,
January 19, 2012

Vice President Bayer leaves for Duke after 10 years at Swat

In August, Stephen Bayer, Swarthmore’s former Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations announced he was resigning to accept a similar position at Duke University. Bayer was hired as Associate Vice President of Development at Duke, a position that entails increased responsibilities
September 22, 2011

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