performance - Page 2

Swarthmore Should Be Worried About Vaginas

“The Vagina Monologues,” a play written by Eve Ensler in 1996, tackles issues such as sexuality, gender, and violence against women, all through the eyes of a diverse cast of women. Drawn from interviews Ensler did with 200 women, the play asks
March 28, 2019

A Feat of Absurd Proportions: The 24-Hour Bald Soprano

It was 2:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 2nd, and a wall of round analog clocks, all ticking away and gradually running their circuit, stood adjacent to the entrance of the Frear Ensemble Theater. The clock in the center of the wall had
March 7, 2019

An Exquisite Corpse Brims with Life

“An Exquisite Corpse” as directed by Rohan Hejmadi ’21 and Amaechi Abuah ’21 brought the apocalypse to the audience. On February 22, 2019, at the main stage of the Lang Performing Arts Center, four actors played in one of the most varied
February 28, 2019

A Taste of Home on Lunar New Year

My parents and I never ran out of plates to use⸺ unless it was Lunar New Year. On that special occasion, we cooked up a storm. We adorned our dining table with dumplings, vegetable stir fry, braised pork, spiced beef, and many
February 22, 2018

Making Black Magic

For the past two weeks, the Frear Ensemble Theater has undergone curious transformations. The seemingly ordinary black box theater became a vehicle hurtling through time and space, transporting audiences to sugar cane fields, cotton fields, and communes; to mystical destinations of unreality;
February 15, 2018

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