parties - Page 3

OSE absorbs SAC, all-campus event funding

The Social Affairs Committee, which previously served as the main funding body for all-campus events and parties, no longer exists, primarily because its function of providing alcohol funding for parties became obsolete last year. The Office of Student Engagement will take over
September 10, 2015

Just a phase: Genderfuck is over

Due to concerns felt by the Swarthmore queer and trans community, we believe that Genderfuck should not be held this year. The initial aim of the party was to celebrate queerness and gender variance through the destabilization of gender in a public
February 26, 2015

Winter formalities, wagers and roulettes

The writer was assigned to the Winter Formal. There was never any promise of a story. Like many Swarthmore students, Winter Formal began at a ‘pre-game.’ Some students had invaded a radio show on the fourth floor of Parrish. “Hey there!” the
February 5, 2015

Alcohol-related hospitalizations, calls decrease

Over the course of the last semester, changes made to the college’s alcohol and other drugs policy have noticeably affected campus life at Swarthmore, particularly as it concerns the party scene and the number of alcohol-related incidents. Introduced in August 2014, the
January 22, 2015

You may want to avoid those awkward glances

Well Swarthmore, here it is: new year, new ass. Disorientation, rumor has it (I had one cosmo too many to recall), was full of new couples, whether they were conjoined for one hazy night or more permanently, for that haphazardous miracle that
September 18, 2014

Smoking at Swarthmore

Mention “smoking” on campus and many peoples’ first thoughts roll to images of bongs, nights in high school spent hotboxing someone’s mom’s car, and bowls packed tightly with bits of green-gray marijuana. Specify that you’re talking about cigarette smoking and many people
April 24, 2014

PA program to be reorganized and expanded

After orchestrating the supervision of social events on campus for the past six years, the Party Associate (PA) program will receive a complete overhaul, the college announced in an email from Student Activities Coordinator Mike Elias, last Tuesday. PAs will be replaced
January 23, 2014

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