
 OneCard: Swipe Left

By this point, anyone who has had a prolonged conversation with me has heard my complaints about the changes to the OneCard and the related student code of conduct update. So far, I have yet to hear someone express support for any
September 19, 2024

The OneCard System is in Dire Need of Consistency

No system can claim itself to be perfect; all systems have defects. However, this is not a reason to give up on seeking improvements. This can be difficult, as a defect sometimes cannot be identified immediately until it has caused a problem.
April 13, 2023

Time to Open the Door for Unlimited OneCard Access

One of the most annoying sounds you can hear on Swarthmore’s campus — especially if you’re in a rush — is the “beep BEEP” of a OneCard reader as it flashes red, denying you access to a residence hall that is not
October 27, 2022

Lost, Found and Lost Again

After “temporarily misplacing” my AirPods for what’s conservatively the tenth time this semester, I paid a visit last week to the McCabe lost & found. While I unfortunately didn’t find my missing earphone pieces there, the lost & found was quite full
April 1, 2022

Give Us Back Pre-COVID OneCard Access

Columnist Zachary Robinson ’20’s piece on Swarthmore’s COVID-19 plan last week pointed out Swarthmore’s persistent, restrictive OneCard policy that bars students from entering dorms in which they do not live and buildings that were previously accessible 24/7 like Sci and Parrish. The
November 4, 2021

The $0 OneCard Challenge

It was November. Who was it? Us. What was it? Entrapment. A new game to assert one’s dominance: depleting every scarce category on our OneCards. While more frugal students might use their meal plans as a way to learn responsible financial skills,
February 14, 2019

Taking a closer look at the CO-OP

The Swarthmore CO-OP has been a part of the Swarthmore community for over 80 years, and its status as the only grocery store in the ville makes it popular among both residents of the borough and students. The college’s relationship with the
October 12, 2017
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