
ML: a home like no other

If you take a look at any of the maps posted around campus, you can generally find where you want to go. The campus is pretty easy to follow – the lower half of campus is student life, the upper half is
February 2, 2017

For classes off-campus, Bi-Co preferred to Penn

According to data collected by the Office of the Registrar, over the past six years more Swarthmore students have been taking classes within the Bi-Co than at University of Pennsylvania. From the fall semester of 2010 to the spring semester of 2015,
February 4, 2016

Patti Smith Performs at Bryn Mawr

Patti Smith has had an amorphous career.  Even before she published her National Book Award-winning memoir, “Just Kids,” in 2010, it always seemed salient to ask whether the artist was more of a musician or a poet.  Now after her book’s publication
February 13, 2013

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