margolis healy

Sexual assault prevention, education revamped

Five months after the Task Force on Sexual Misconduct released its findings and suggestions, and one year after Margolis Healy and Associates did the same, the college continues to work to address recommendations made by both groups regarding consent and sexual assault
January 22, 2015

Margolis Healy releases final report

After nine months reviewing the college’s sexual misconduct policies, Margolis Healy and Associates (MHA) completed a final report of its recommendations for making the campus safer and ensuring compliance with Title IX, the Clery Act and the Campus SAVE Act. The report
February 7, 2014

Margolis Healy meets with students

This Monday, representatives from Margolis Healy and Associates (MHA), the outside council on sexual misconduct hired by the college last spring, met with students and members of the Board of Managers to discuss the college’s new interim policy. The panel assembled to
October 2, 2013

Chopp Outlines Steps To Combat Sexual Misconduct

Responding to complaints about the college’s handling of sexual misconduct and facing a federal investigation into the matter, President Rebecca Chopp recently announced a series of changes to college policies and practices. “Sexual misconduct does occur at Swarthmore and in the world
July 22, 2013

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