love - Page 2

Postcard from Abroad: Tamara Matheson

Dear Campus Journal, After the inauguration, I spent all of my free time at home vigilantly watching the news, calling my representatives, reading about nonviolent resistance, and generally trying my best to break through what seemed to be one bad fever dream
February 9, 2017

Queer Love in the Time of Trump

I grew up in San Francisco, the capital of peace and love in America. Still, nothing could have prepared me for the 2016 election and its aftermath. And no, I don’t just mean the fact that the most powerful person in the
February 9, 2017

On Friendzoning

Back in the ’90s, the following exchange brought forth raucous laughter: “It’s never gonna happen.” “What?” “You and Rachel.” “What? Me and Rach—whatta…why not?” “Because you waited too long to make your move, and now you’re in the friend zone.” “No,
February 9, 2017

The Hookup Rollercoaster

How do you write an article on the culture of hookups and relationships? This culture deserves a book because it is one of the most complex and ambiguous topics I have ever come across. With that being said, welcome to my column
January 26, 2017

The end

The end is nigh. Recently, I have been thinking about the end a lot as we approach the end of the semester, the end of classes, and the end of Obama’s presidency. Time itself seems to be shrinking.    These past eight
December 1, 2016

To love and be loved

Every fiber of my being wishes that I were not writing this right now. I was planning on publishing a quasi-satirical piece in my column this week about why some people should not vote. Instead, I am now sitting in an Old
November 10, 2016

Swiping: A modern love story

Between the long nights of studying, recuperative naps in the science center and the wild nightlife our school is famous for, most Swarthmore students don’t have a lot of time to devote to finding love. Thankfully, this trend is not Swarthmore-specific, and
October 29, 2015

Am I always rejected because of technology?

“Hey sexy,” sent DICK LICKER over Grindr. And people say the age of romance is dead. Technology has equipped us millennials with a myriad of platforms and social media outlets to court, flirt or cruise in ways our older peers couldn’t dream
October 29, 2015

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