
MakerSpace Moves to New Location

As of Jan. 31, the Swarthmore MakerSpace has moved to Whittier Hall Rooms 109-113. Originally launched in 2018, the MakerSpace was previously located on the ground floor of Beardsley Hall. “We just moved into a space that we will probably permanently inhabit
February 6, 2020

Used clothing platform Shelf wins SwatTank

On Friday, April 5th, the SwatTank final round commenced at the Swarthmore Inn where three teams — Shelf, CaireWare, and Tricycle — presented their ideas in a five-minute pitch to a panel of judges and a room of their peers, staff, and
April 12, 2018

Discovering the real face of Snapchat

On January 27, 2015, Swarthmore’s many Snapchat users received a snapchat ‘story’ from Team Snapchat itself. “Today we’re introducing Discover,” said the Team: “A new way to explore Stories from different editorial teams. It’s the result of collaboration with world-class leaders in
January 29, 2015

Leveraging an education to produce meaningful change

For many Swarthmoreans, seasoned and fresh alike, the pursuit of innovation and entrepreneurship is fresh on the mind. But with the unprecedented economic rises of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, it’s easy to feel as if the robust innovation of
September 18, 2014

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