health - Page 5

Annual Influenza Strikes Early

This year’s flu season has struck early, and influenza is now widespread in 47 US states. According to the Center for Disease control, this year’s flu reached levels of an epidemic in the second week in January, meaning that flu was responsible
January 24, 2013

Student wellness a priority this semester

Paying attention to student wellness — the elements of which include emotional comfort, social well-being, and healthy academic performance — has become a niche at this college over the past few years. This year, first-year orientation revolved around an assemblage of wellness
November 3, 2011

Woman’s Right to Know Act Infringes on Women’s Rights

House Bill 1077, a bill introduced by Representative Kathy Rapp of Warren County, is set to be passed by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. With 112 co-sponsors, the proposal (similar in nature to one passed in Texas in 2003) stipulates that a
October 20, 2011

Supreme Court to reignite health care reform debate

The Affordable Care Act, one of President Obama’s signature legislative achievements, is headed to the U.S. Supreme Court. And it’s about time. The constitutionality of the law’s provision mandating Americans to purchase healthcare coverage or face a penalty is highly suspect. Can
October 6, 2011

S.M.A.R.T team adjusting to Title IX

Last April, a letter written by the United States Department of Education informed schools that Title IX guidelines around issues of sexual assault and sexual harassment will be held to new standards. Now, it has been put upon Swarthmore’s administration and student
September 22, 2011
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