financial aid - Page 3

New group to provide support for low income students

The Swarthmore Organization of Low-Income Students is a newly-founded group on campus that aims to bring together first-generation college students and students from low-income backgrounds to create a community in which students can guide and support each other at Swarthmore. In addition
October 2, 2014

The lose-lose conundrum of financial aid

Although we live in the idyllic Swarthmore bubble, we must remember that it is an imperfect world, one that comes with a $60,000 price tag. One of the best features of Swarthmore is its diversity — not just in terms of ethnicity
September 25, 2014

How responsible is intergenerational inequality?

Hold on, why is our campus now a construction site? Anyone who has read the master plan, knows that the current construction projects aren’t the end of planned construction. They’re just the beginning: renovations are planned for Martin,­­­­ Beardsley, McCabe, Sharples, the athletic
September 11, 2014

Board says it will not divest

After a summer of deliberation, as was evident from the letter sent to the college by Maurice Eldridge, Vice President for College and Community Relations, the College’s Board of Managers determined not to divest from fossil fuel companies. In a letter signed
September 12, 2013

Tuition Cost To Rise By Over $2,000

It’s no secret that college tuition is high. In the 2012-2013 calendar year, full tuition at the college, including room and board, reached $55,750, but $57,850 has now been determined for the 2013-2014 year. Full costs have increased annually by about 4.4
April 11, 2013
The Champions notice a wand on the floor and decide to use it to fight the Death Eaters

Kemp Family Donates Twenty Million Dollars

Last Saturday, the college announced a $20 million donation from Gil Kemp ’72 and Barbara Kemp. The gift, which will go towards financial aid, a new community space in Clothier Hall and achieving strategic planning goals in general, came largely as a
February 28, 2013

Financial Report Shows Economic Progress

When the “Great Recession” struck in 2007, colleges and universities were not spared. Endowments everywhere declined, and institutions were forced to make budget cuts in order to properly respond. Even now, as the economy is recovering, colleges are still announcing budget changes
December 6, 2012

Does Financial Aid Satisfy?

A Swarthmore college education is expensive. Between tuition, personal expenses, books, fees, and room and board, the price between 2012 and 2013 comes out to be $58,090. It is far more than the average cost at a four-year institution in the United
November 15, 2012

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