environment - Page 5

Why does Swarthmore bet against ecological necessity?

Swarthmore’s largest financial consultant, Cambridge Associates, recently announced that it will actively assist institutional investors in implementing fossil fuel divestment. For years, the Board of Managers has argued that it cannot divest because our existing fund managers do not offer fossil-free options.
December 4, 2014

On climate change, money should be silent

Recently, I went to “Silent Spring to Silent Night,” a lecture by Professor Tyrone Hayes of UC Berkeley on the adverse health effects of atrazine, a common agricultural pesticide.  Hayes’ presentation was not only engaging and interesting, but also left his audience
November 13, 2014

The college must recommit to environmental responsibility

In March of 1854, Ralph Waldo Emerson eloquently described the discomfort of a literary man engaging with political questions: “I do not often speak to public questions;— they are odious and hurtful, and it seems like meddling or leaving your work.” Yet
October 23, 2014

Greek tragedy fights its environment in Medea

Rehearsals for “Medea” began just like one of the lines of cocaine I’d witnessed, as an innocent bystander, being cautiously sniffed two and a half weeks ago by some faceless and nameless Swattie and his friend in the dark, off a small,
October 23, 2014

Time to divest: An open letter

We, the undersigned, representing many of the majors and minors of the English department at Swarthmore College, are writing to express our support for the movement to divest college endowments from fossil fuels and reinvest in sustainable solutions to the climate crisis.
October 23, 2014

Clarifying the divestment theory of change

Since its inception at Swarthmore College just three years ago, the fossil fuel divestment movement has grown to over 500 campaigns worldwide, becoming the fastest growing divestment movement in history, and has begun to shift societal conscience and change the discourse around
October 9, 2014

Confronting the climate crisis

Later this month, world leaders will gather at the United Nations for an unprecedented climate summit in hopes of drafting an international climate agreement by 2015 to address rising greenhouse gas emissions. The stakes are incredibly high. The latest Intergovernmental Panel on
September 11, 2014

Laura Cacho to serve as new sustainability director

The college has hired a new director of sustainability Laura Cacho, who will work to encourage environmentally sustainable behavior throughout the campus. In her role as director of sustainability, Cacho will also help organize courses focused on sustainability, invite outside speakers to
February 20, 2014

Students Hold Candlelight Vigil For Elk River Victims

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. Last week,
January 27, 2014
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