education - Page 4

Cariad Chester '13 chats with Kristof about global health

Learning How To Think … About Majors

In 1999, a professor of art history at the college delivered an address titled “The Usefulness of Uselessness.” Her argument has since become the academic credo on campus; the idea that the pursuit of interests, no matter how disparate or “useless” they
January 31, 2013

Lost in Translation

According to the most recent statistics compiled by the Off Campus Study Office, Swarthmore students are not shy to dive into a completely new culture; of the graduating class of 2012, 40% studied abroad. In the 2011-2012 academic year, 150 students, mainly
January 31, 2013

Passing Through Pass/Fail

Pass/fail is a lot of things.  Approaches to the semester are hardly uniform, as every Thursday night of the last semester you’d be just as likely to find a 2016er in McCabe as at Pub Night. At its most fun, pass/fail is
January 24, 2013

National Novel Writing Month at Swarthmore

Take a moment and imagine your all-time best hand at Misery Poker – the twenty-page lab report, the twenty-hour problem set, the botched pass and lost match, the breakup and the breakdowns – and add 1,667 words. Now multiply by 30. National
November 15, 2012

Swarthmore Goes To El Chaco, Argentina

In the Fall of 2011, a group of Swarthmore students studying abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina took a 20-hour, 789-mile bus ride from the cosmopolitan capital to the rural northwestern town of Miraflores as part of the program’s recently launched Chaco Initiative.
October 11, 2012

As State Funding Falls, Tuition Soars

Government Should Prioritize Slowing the Rise of the Cost of Education In the first presidential debate of the general election cycle, the candidates’ discussion of the American education system was a welcome departure from the usual haggling over the best way to
October 11, 2012

Teachers Strike Out in Chicago

Three hundred and fifty thousand students out of school. A 16 percent wage increase over the next four years rejected by the union. Complaints about a longer school day. Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago Teachers’ Union president Karen Lewis engaged in a
October 3, 2012

Tackling inequality in US educational opportunity

While politicians bounce economic statistics around like beach balls, America is not in a playful mood. I wholeheartedly subscribe to the exceptional nature of the American dream. I believe Horatio Alger, who wrote of plucky protagonists who always seem to make it
November 3, 2011

Student project aims at Indian educational reform

In a sweltering Indian classroom, as a student raises her hand with a question to understand the concept of photosynthesis, she is silenced by her teacher with instructions to memorize the definition on the blackboard. This authoritarian system has silenced questions and
October 20, 2011

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