editorial - Page 3

In the Spirit of Transparency

As COVID-19 outbreaks pop up on college campuses across the country and as colleges grapple with the task of enforcing strict social distancing measures, the job of covering those outbreaks and colleges’ punitive measures has oftentimes fallen on student newspapers. Since the
September 25, 2020

Swarthmore Should Have More Substance Free Housing

The college is charged with the responsibility of best accommodating the needs and well-being of 1,559 students. While the use of alcohol and drugs is often associated with college campuses, we, at The Phoenix, believe more attention and resources need to be
March 5, 2020

On Divestment and the 1991 Ban

On Feb. 6, Georgetown University’s Board of Directors voted to divest from fossil fuel companies in several phases over the next ten years. Georgetown is just one of many colleges and universities to take such a step — Middlebury, Lewis and Clark,
February 27, 2020

On Housing Accommodations and Student Disability Services

Swarthmore students at large do not need to worry about the housing lottery process until mid April, but the considerable number of students who need housing accommodations are facing a deadline this Friday in order to start the application process. With only
February 20, 2020

On Anonymous Hate and Reductive Discourse

Last week, many Swarthmore students received emails asking them to join the anonymous app, Looped. The emails specifically referenced discourse about the party scene at Swarthmore. At the same time, many anonymous posts were submitted to the comments section of one of
November 21, 2019

The Phoenix Has A Diversity Problem

We, at The Phoenix, have a diversity problem. Our editorial board and staff are not representative of the diversity of our campus and the world more broadly, and neither have we historically been representative. In the first issue of The Phoenix in
November 7, 2019

Health Services Should Be Expanded

One of the most important features of an accessible campus is affordable, high-quality health care. Swarthmore should prioritize accessibility, but it is simply not doing enough to make the campus accessible. The services offered by Worth Health Center need improvements in order
October 24, 2019

College Should Expand SEPTA Access

Swarthmore claims to be a cash-free campus, but many students may find hidden costs behind the pretext of access. While Swarthmore’s proximity to Philadelphia is often a selling point for prospective students, many students are unable to make the expensive SEPTA train
October 3, 2019

Low-Income Students Shouldn’t Be a Low Priority

Despite efforts from the administration to level the playing field between low-income, first-generation students at Swarthmore and their more privileged peers, the administration struggles to see the real issue at hand — that this institution was built for the wealthy, by the
April 18, 2019
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