
It’s Time for the College to Listen

It is not hyperbole to say that these are historic times. We are in the midst of the largest student protest movement since the Vietnam War. Institutions such as Swarthmore will be remembered for their actions in moments like these. We, therefore,

A Call for an Open Forum

It is a challenging time to be a student at Swarthmore. The campus community is facing several changes that have made student life unlike previous years. The Two Zero By Thirty-Five (20X35) initiative and other construction projects have upended the college, completely

Building Community and Connecting with our Neighbors

Now, more than ever, is an important time for journalism: it is time to build up our communities and connect with those we might not otherwise – to learn from others’ experiences, listen to people’s stories, and share them throughout our circles.

Editorial: Bring Back the Olde (and Better!) Party Spaces

It seems that the campus late-night scene is gradually recovering from its pandemic-induced hibernation as more and more people host parties as the semester goes on. With AREs resuming, the mask mandate reduced, and the in-person attendance cap discontinued, most of the

Editorial: Centering Student Feedback in the Professor Hiring Process

Perhaps one of the most critical arguments of Swarthmore’s liberal arts equation is its professors. As a small private college, the low student-to-professor ratio holistically colors students’ academic experiences and development. Thanks to this ratio, Swarthmore can offer students a collegiate journey


EDITORIAL: The Semester in Review: Editors’ Picks

This semester has been a historic one for The Phoenix, with our print newspaper returning from the only period in our 140-year history during which we did not physically print. Additionally, The Phoenix’s website received a much-needed revamp thanks to the skills


The Phoenix Is Back in Print

The very first issue of The Phoenix was printed on December 1, 1881. Its inaugural editorial board was a group of eleven students with a desire to provide their community with an advocate for truth and independence through fair and honest journalism.

Anonymous Commenting is BACK

The Phoenix Editorial Board is once again allowing anonymous commenting on our website. This policy change took effect on Monday and overturned a Fall 2019 policy update that required comments to be submitted under a legitimate-looking email for The Phoenix to approve


No, We Are Not Okay: It is Time We Pop the Bubble

We students talk a lot about the Swarthmore “bubble” — that invisible structure that keeps us isolated from the outside world in our ivory tower of academia. Yes, we sometimes venture into Philly and Chester and the surrounding community, but by and large,

The Phoenix In Review: Editors’ Picks

With the academic year soon coming to a close, The Phoenix’s Editorial Board has taken time to reflect on the collective body of work of our incredible, indispensable, dedicated writers. Here are our picks. NEWS Over this turbulent past year, The Phoenix’s

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