dance - Page 2

A Gap in Group Leadership

The Phoenix is a student-published paper that has been in print since 1881. In its time, it has fostered students’ passion for writing, arts, politics, and whatever else drove people to put pen to paper. It has been the proving ground for
September 9, 2021

Artist of the Week: Lia D’Alessandro ’21

Lia D’Alessandro ’21 has been a pillar of the Swarthmore dance community since her first semester. She has been a part of the Rhythm N Motion dance company, Terpsichore: Dance Collective, and active in the dance department. She is a pre-med student
March 5, 2020

Dancing in the Fold: A Swarthmore Performer’s Experience

From November 11-15, I had the honor of spending the week training and dancing with the New York City based dance company Doug Varone and Dancers. This extraordinary and renowned professional contemporary company, which has performed in more than 125 cities in
December 5, 2019

New Physical Therapists for the Dance Department

For the first time, the Department of Music and Dance at Swarthmore will be providing physical therapy for students enrolled in dance classes. Julie Green and Kristen Shelley from Performance Ready Physical Therapy will rotate weekly Wednesday visits to campus. Performance Ready
November 7, 2019

A Love Letter to the Muses of Dance

At the activities fair my freshman fall, I sidled up to the tables for the dance groups on campus. One group required auditions; the other, Terpsichore, didn’t. I’ve wanted to dance ever since I was a little kid, but didn’t have many
May 2, 2019

Terpsichore Showcases Range in Dynamic Spring Performance

This past Saturday, the student dance collective Terpsichore held its Spring concert to showcase the work it has done this semester. The group, named after the Greek muse of dance, consists of about forty dancers of varying levels of experience. The show
April 25, 2019
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