
Freshman Reflections: The Honu in CS

I didn’t feel like a Swarthmore student until I stepped foot in Sci 256. It was my first class in two years. COVID had snowballed into a complete disruption of my life, and I couldn’t remember the last time I’d actually sat
April 14, 2022

The Week in Headlines

New Covid Variant and Life Form Simultaneously Evolve in Primordial Soup of Swat Prom  Looking to Attract More Students, McCabe Library to Allow Smoking Indoors Small Craft Warnings and Kitao Gallery Showcase Jonathan Franzen’s Nudes in Collaborative Exhibition  RA Hosts Event Revealing
April 1, 2022

After Fall Cancelation, Swat Formal Returns

Swarthmore students will be returning to the dance floor for the SGO Spring Formal, otherwise called Swat Prom, on Saturday, March 26, at 10 p.m. The decision to bring back the formal comes amid a loosening of COVID-19 restrictions, now allowing alcohol-registered
March 24, 2022

Worthstock 2022 Begins Planning Phase

It’s official: Worthstock is back. Worthstock, a beloved Swarthmore tradition, happens during the last Sunday before the finals of the spring semester in which the College hosts a band or artist that plays live music in the Worth courtyard. Usually, food, bounce
March 17, 2022

New Honor Policy for COVID Testing

As students returned to campus for the start of the spring semester, the college adopted a new COVID-19 testing policy with students responsible for testing themselves twice a week using at-home test kits. This new testing policy is likely more efficient and
February 3, 2022

Let NPPR Residents Use Their Own Balcony

A few recent Phoenix articles have commented on the lack of responsiveness from the College regarding COVID-19 policies and OneCard access for the college at large. While the coronavirus pandemic is clearly far from over, many have had difficulty connecting the dots
November 11, 2021
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