campus journal - Page 7

Tea Time: Hot Girl Summer to Swat Girl Fall

Dearly beloved, after three whole months of work, adventure, or relaxation, we’re gathered here today for some good old Swarthmore education and frisbee-tossing. On our wedding registry are discounted pen bundles, notebooks, and Command hooks readily available from Springfield Mall. Now, are
September 12, 2019

The Signs As: Mitski Madness

How early is too early in the semester to take a break from Swarthmore? This is a trick question, the answer, of course, being never. After a week of experiencing “Slumdog Millionaire” style flashbacks to last spring every time we were forced
September 12, 2019

Swat Ed: Point of View

Swat Ed is The Phoenix’s biweekly sex education Q & A. We accept all questions and they are kept completely anonymous. If you’re looking for medical advice or a diagnosis for that weird thing on your genitals, get in touch with a
May 2, 2019

The Swarthmore Worth Loving

When I came to Swatstruck in 2018, I made sure to ask the quintessential Spec question — “Why did you choose Swarthmore?” — to pretty much every student that I encountered. Generally, the answers either revolved around Swat’s specific academic programs or
May 2, 2019

A Love Letter to the Muses of Dance

At the activities fair my freshman fall, I sidled up to the tables for the dance groups on campus. One group required auditions; the other, Terpsichore, didn’t. I’ve wanted to dance ever since I was a little kid, but didn’t have many
May 2, 2019

Why We’re Here

The Phi Psi sit-in was a climactic culmination of student activism that brought together students from different areas of interest around a common cause. Those involved ranged from committed activists who had been pushing this issue for years, to newcomers drawn by
May 2, 2019

College Moves Phi Psi and DU to BEP

After the nearly week-long Coalition Against Fraternity Violence sit-in garnered widespread news attention and galvanized the campus and the nation, Phi Psi and DU announced on the evening of Tuesday, April 30, their decision to disband. President Smith, in an email to
May 2, 2019

Accosting the Sweaty Palmed Culprit

Well friends, I won’t waste your time with flashy intros. I’m finally ready to lay all the pieces out for the world to see. Let’s start with the details of the deed: The culprit was not an athlete, but has a strict
May 2, 2019

Ode to Swarthmore Women’s Rugby

Unsuspecting Swarthmore students who find themselves on Parrish Beach just after 6:30 p.m. on Fridays can, if they’re lucky, catch a glimpse of a pack of mud-covered people moving across the field towards Sharples and singing. Who might these hooligans be, taking
April 18, 2019

Big Birds are Watching You

In the digital age, the fear and normalization of being watched constantly have increased more than ever. The meme about FBI agent watching you through your front camera is a great example of our generation’s digital anxieties. Reflecting on my childhood, or
April 18, 2019
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