campus journal - Page 13

It’s Like I Never Left

Quite simply, I didn’t. After the end of finals my freshman year, I had about a week at home and then I was back on campus to start my internship in the Admissions Office. I began the job on May 29 and
October 11, 2018

The Rats of Willets Basement

Dear Swarthmore Campus and Community, To put it simply, I am perplexed. As I write these words in my spacious bungalow on the first floor of Willets Hall, my fingers tremble in fear and confusion over the incapacitating debacle that I witnessed
October 11, 2018

Big Chair Just Close

The Big Chair very well might be one of the most iconic and recognizable elements of Swarthmore. It is a logo; a monument; a mascot. A place where memories are made, bonds are formed, sex is had, and friendships are shared. Perhaps
October 11, 2018

Senioritis? Not so much…

Six applications, two rejections, and one interview. The quest for employment on my end has been stressful to say the least. Four weeks in, I can confidently say that senior fall has been my hardest semester. The classes I’m taking now aren’t
September 27, 2018

The Sophomore Slu—I Mean Soar

Being back on campus is super duper extremely weird. A good weird mostly, after a summer at home that I most definitely plan on never doing again (sorry mom), but more than a good or bad weird it’s mostly just a weird
September 27, 2018

Swat’s the Big Deal?

College life has been a bit of a roller coaster for me. On my first trip to college (my previous college), driving across the state, I was “accidentally” left at a rest stop along the route. I got out to use the
September 27, 2018

You Need to Work (Working Title)

10:30 am Deep Breath. In…Out…I’m in my head. Not where I want to be. You just missed ANOTHER shot? Is that your third in a row? Just stop shooting already, you’re embarrassing yourself. I’m not running fast enough. He beat you down
September 27, 2018

Swat Ed: First Inning

Swat Ed is the Phoenix’s biweekly sex education Q & A. We accept all questions and they are kept completely anonymous. If you’re looking for medical advice or a diagnosis for that weird thing on your genitals, get in touch with a
September 27, 2018

Freshman vs. Sharples

When I pulled into the Wharton parking lot two weeks ago for the start of my first year here, sweating and trying to concentrate long enough to tell a mob of helpful Swatties where my room was, my main concern was trying
September 13, 2018

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