
Ethos Water: Why Americans Pay to Pee

To lambast America’s grossly inadequate public infrastructure has become so commonplace that the refrain is an all but trivial cliche in online political discourse. I do not have any expert analysis, insight, or nuance to add to this righteous indignation. However, in
September 29, 2022

Best Places to Poop at Swarthmore

Models: Daisy Lee ‘22, Grace Griego ‘22, Dakota Gibbs ‘19 Listen, we’ve all been there. You’re in seminar and you know you are NOT going to make it back to ML in time. Where do you go? I’ve got you covered. For
November 14, 2019

It’s Time to Get Rid of Gendered Bathrooms

I am a cis woman, so I have never had to give much thought to my choice of bathroom. In fact, it wasn’t until I got to Swarthmore three years ago that I even encountered the idea of gender-inclusive restrooms, which are
September 12, 2019

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