
Artist of the Week: Yanyi Liu on Art and Design

Perhaps you’ve noticed this past week that some Swarthmore students have been sporting matching long-sleeved white t-shirts. The back of the shirt uses light green and yellow tones to depict three campus scenes with an intersection of nature and architecture, painted by
November 18, 2021

On Flowers

My favorite time in Swarthmore is the spring. Winter is full of slogging across Mertz field and dragging mud on the dorm room floor. Summer is unbearably humid, causing my glasses to fog up every time I leave a building. Autumn comes
April 23, 2021

Winter Storm Riley wreaks havoc on and off campus

Students were caught by surprise on Friday when a nor’easter tore through the region. The snowstorm left the campus and Ville without power for several days and did significant damage to the arboretum. Winter Storm Riley caused outages all along the East
March 8, 2018

Sheila Magee ’81 nurtures community in campus gardens

Swarthmore prides itself on the surpassing beauty of the pristine campus and lush grounds. Particularly for first years, being in an unfamiliar place with unknown people and new experiences feels more like home when you’re surrounded by an extensive, well-kept arboretum, where
September 17, 2015

An eye-opening walk in the park (or, arboretum)

 The Scott Arboretum is as much a source of beauty as allergic reactions: a collection of taxonomically classified plants. It is accessible to individuals for free at any time, and to organized tour groups according to a regular schedule. On Sunday, September
September 25, 2014

A guided tour through our garden home

“We must cultivate our garden.” The Scott Arboretum is the unacknowledged space that bears the fragrant nectar of Swarthmore College like a rose petal bears a drop of water. Arable space is like poetic space, and the Arboretum that hosts Swarthmore’s 2,000
September 4, 2014

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