academics - Page 2


The Famous Sophomore Slump

Ah yes, the dreaded and much talked-about Sophomore Slump. Well, folks, I’m here to tell you it’s as real a thing as you and me, and it’s affected almost every sophomore I’ve talked to right here on our beloved campus. I did
December 7, 2017

The Art of the Flip Flop (or Not)

I recently came in contact with a high school classmate through the powers of Snapchat, which I’ve been clumsily using for about a week now. Last I’d seen him, our plans were pretty much the opposite of each other — he
November 16, 2017

College to go through Middle State’s accreditation process again

Every eight years, Swarthmore must evaluate their quality of education to be approved by Middle States, a Philadelphia-based accreditation organization. The school’s most recent cycle of reaccreditation began last year and will continue into 2019, during which time the college reports on
November 16, 2017

W course for int’l students has promise

Several weeks ago, I received an e-mail inviting all international students to meet with Dr. Natalie Mera Ford, who currently serves as a Swarthmore’s Multilingual Writing Specialist. As an international student, I was interested in how college-level writing in the US differ
October 12, 2017

Why study English?

When I tell people outside of Swat’s intellectual community that I want to be a Computer Science and English Literature double major, the response is usually something along the lines of, “Why study English?” The first time this happened, I was slightly
September 28, 2017

Swarthmore academic quality is dropping

Year after year, Swarthmore College ranks as one the top institutions in the country. This year, the college currently ranks as number ten on Forbes’ Top Colleges list. Although a top ten ranking is not new for the college, it is still
April 27, 2017

A comprehensive analysis of athletes and their majors

Do all athletes really major in Economics? Conventional wisdom at many Division I schools might lead us to believe that yes, they do. Economics at most colleges and universities is perhaps the most popular major among athletes, with many Division I athletes
April 13, 2017

Is study abroad really worth it?

My fantasy of studying abroad began on the college tour I took during my senior year of high school. Swarthmore College, a floral, east coast school with a tiny acceptance rate was promising to ship me off to Europe and change my
February 16, 2017

Athletics as a Benefit or Detriment to Academic Performance

A common concern surrounding the community of student-athletes is whether or not the incredible time commitment warranted by athletics serves as a benefit or detriment to academic performance. Many varsity athletes at Swarthmore, given the rigorous academic standards, are well aware that
February 9, 2017

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