Swarthmore Review

The Phoenix's quarterly general interest magazine

Talking about money at Swarthmore

In 2005, a New York Times survey of randomly selected Americans revealed that no less than 92% believed themselves part of the middle/working class. Of the 8% who identified otherwise, 7% said they belonged to the lower class and 1% to the
May 9, 2014


137 Mutation 12/23/2017 Remember when you debauched my mind? The leaves you saw crinkle pleasantly, the contributions they give to our eyes matter to me, at least. Even at their cycle’s end The gift of color shakes our shape-shifting cornucopia
April 5, 2018

Buy Local Food Essay

Branded VR photograph by Richard L. Some could be significantly older that 1000 ADVERTISING. Since the story of the Course Stone Patio Complex in the November 21, 2012 dilemma of the Examiner, the world is starting to learn about this archaeological area
February 25, 2015

Where does Pharrell belong?

People need to understand a few things about Pharrell before they can even begin to judge him as a musician. First off, he’s been in the music game for a long time (he’s 41 years old). He rose to fame as half
May 9, 2014

Fiction: Mystery

I sat down on my brother Wolff’s bed. “Wolffie wake up.” I was worried I had cut it too close. Our parents had only gone to bed a half hour ago—I had watched the red numbers on my clock flip, painfully, counting
May 9, 2014

Editor’s picks

Movie: ‘In a World,’ dir. Lake Bell Lately when I sit down to watch a ‘funny’ movie, I end up turning it off within ten minutes due to my inability to tolerate blatant sexist and racist jokes and stereotypes and propagations of
May 9, 2014

Fiction: At the party

Open up the longing I am offering you; give me that velvet you wrap around your head with sickening tightness; let me pull on the strands I see you left hanging off, so that you’ll look down at me and rip me
May 9, 2014

Fiction: Edmund

Every eye in Britain is staring at the same door. It’s not a particularly nice door; it’s really rather drab, with a rusty bronze handle. But everyone’s staring because out of this door, any second now, the new royal baby will say
May 9, 2014
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