Around Campus - Page 3

MJ members receive sanctions

On Friday, March 17th, Associate Dean of Students Nathan Miller informed five students by email that they could face sanctions for a violation of the student code of conduct incurred during their participation in a peaceful protest last month. The five students
March 30, 2017

CAPS increases staff hours to meet students needs

As the semester draws to an end, Counseling and Psychological Services has increased its staff hours to meet the increasing need of students. Increasing CAPS’s capacity through extended hours has been standard procedure for years. The Director of CAPS David Ramirez explained
April 6, 2017

SAO refocuses toward more political role

The Swarthmore Asian Organization is shifting to become a political group. This change, which comes after decision made by SAO leadership in the 2015-2016 school year, was marked by a “re-birthday party.” The event was both a 30th birthday for the group
March 30, 2017
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