Around Campus - Page 29

Obama to address sexual assault on college campuses

Last week, President Barack Obama brought major national attention to cases of sexual misconduct, particularly on college campuses, with the creation of a new task force, the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. The task force is intended
January 30, 2014

StuCo to hold elections for reorganized goverment

This semester, the college will witness Student Council transformed. Now called the Student Government Organization (SGO), it will be made of two distinct branches: Campus Council (CC) and Student Assembly (SA). Each branch will include multiple positions. “Student Council, as it stands,
January 30, 2014

PA program to be reorganized and expanded

After orchestrating the supervision of social events on campus for the past six years, the Party Associate (PA) program will receive a complete overhaul, the college announced in an email from Student Activities Coordinator Mike Elias, last Tuesday. PAs will be replaced
January 23, 2014

141 students admitted under Early Decision I

Following issues with the Common Application website, including not allowing students to log onto the website and not marking completed tasks as finished, the college extended the application deadlines for Regular Decision and Winter Early Decision from January 1 to January 15.
January 23, 2014
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