Around Campus - Page 20

Series of changes to affect residential life

As students begin looking for roommates and planning out their housing situations for the 2015-16 academic year, some have begun to raise concerns regarding changes in the housing process and in Swarthmore residential life at large. The most public and transparent of
March 26, 2015

Swarthmore Hillel changes name to Kehilah

The student group formerly known as Swarthmore Hillel announced via a press release on Sunday night that it had changed its name to “Kehilah” (“community” in Hebrew). The Jewish organization’s board approved the name after it emerged as the winner from an
March 26, 2015

Student Activity Funding Processes Shift

This school year, there has been a major uptick in campus-wide entertainment events, such as Fun Fridays and Swatoberfest, as a result of changes in student activity funding. With a brand-new administrative office for student activities and new Student Budget Committee procedures,
March 19, 2015

Students, alumni share memories of spring 2013

Seventeen current students and alumni shared personal memories about the events of the spring of 2013 on Saturday. A group that calls itself the “Specters of Discontent” hosted the event at the Matchbox and drew a crowd of around 50 people. The
March 5, 2015

Hillel hosts storytelling panel on Israel

Last week, The Israel-Palestine Programming Committee (IPPC) kicked off its first event on the relationship between Israel and Palestine with a panel of five Jewish students who shared stories about their personal relationships with Israel. “We wanted to start with people, from
March 5, 2015
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