Around Campus - Page 19

Spanish program seeks department status

The Modern Languages and Literature Department is composed of seven different language programs, making it the largest department at the college. Of these, the Spanish program is the biggest, both in terms of enrolled students and classes offered. As such, there has
April 9, 2015

No divestment, no donations, some alums say

More than 300 alumni have pledged to withhold donations to the college until the Board of Managers agrees to divest, Mountain Justice announced yesterday. Stephen O’Hanlon ’17 said that he had been working with a group of alumni since the fall of
April 9, 2015

McKibben leads rally for divestment, sits in

Last Thursday, Bill McKibben, founder of the nationally recognized environmental group, spoke at a Swarthmore Mountain Justice rally for divestment in Upper Tarble. Over 200 people attended the rally, including students, alumni, faculty, and even supporters from the Philadelphia area. The
April 2, 2015

“Rape haven” graffiti discovered on Delta Upsilon

Graffiti reading “Rape Haven” was found on the front wall of the Delta Upsilon fraternity Tuesday morning. Several fraternity members saw the graffiti and proceeded to contact Public Safety. While the responsible parties remain yet unnamed, the incident is under active investigation
April 2, 2015

College admits 12 percent of applicants

Twelve percent of applicants were offered admission to Swarthmore College’s Class of 2019. The college announced earlier this week that that it had accepted 950 of 7,817 applicants. These numbers indicate a 5-percent decrease in admission rate from last year’s admissions cycle,
April 2, 2015

Mountain Justice continues Parrish sit-in

Mountain Justice’s sit-in outside the college’s Finance and Investment Office stretched into its second week today. So far, the sit-in has garnered national media attention, a response from Interim President Constance Hungerford, and a letter endorsing the action and calling on the
March 26, 2015
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