Around Campus - Page 10

MJ members receive sanctions

On Friday, March 17th, Associate Dean of Students Nathan Miller informed five students by email that they could face sanctions for a violation of the student code of conduct incurred during their participation in a peaceful protest last month. The five students
March 30, 2017

Statistics department introduces new courses

This year the Department of Mathematics and Statistics rolled out a new statistics curriculum which created two new applied statistics courses and incorporated teaching the R programming language into Stat 11. Student reactions to this new curriculum have been mixed, with some
April 28, 2016

Dining Services implements changes to meal plan

Dining services will make several big changes starting next fall. Current pilot-programs will be made permanent and changes will be made to the meal plan. Grab-n-go in the Science Center and Sharples to-go will become permanent. In addition to changes that have
April 28, 2016

Shirt Sparks Debate in Survivor Community

Early last Thursday morning, a red t-shirt was found taped to the ground outside of Parrish Hall with the words “Dean Braun is responsible for letting my rapist graduate. There is nothing else I can do but try to ignore it. Happy
April 14, 2016

Students, faculty meet to discuss social justice requirement

On Monday night, advocates for the requirement, representatives from student groups, and interested parties met in the Intercultural Center to continue discussions concerning the potential new academic requirement in social justice and diversity. Killian McGinnis ’19, one of the organizers, asserted that
April 14, 2016

College to begin round of construction over summer

The college will start several new construction projects this summer to accommodate the growing student population. The projects include a new residence hall between PPR and the baseball fields, a new academic building to be called Whittier, new parking lots by Cunningham
April 14, 2016
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